
What is Extrememath?

Extrememath is a new type of math competition that is taking the world by storm. It is an extreme version of math that challenges even the brightest minds. This competition is designed to test your ability to think outside the box and solve complex problems quickly. Extrememath is not just about solving math problems, but it is about solving them faster than your opponents.

How Does Extrememath Work?

The competition is divided into several rounds, each with increasing difficulty. In each round, participants are given a set of math problems that they have to solve within a specific time frame. The time limit is the key factor that makes this competition so challenging. Participants have to solve the problems as quickly as possible and submit their answers before the time runs out. The participant who solves the most problems correctly in the shortest amount of time is declared the winner.

Extrememath is not just for math geniuses. Anyone who has a passion for math and is willing to work hard can participate. The competition is open to students of all ages, from elementary to high school. It is a great opportunity for students to challenge themselves and improve their math skills.

Why is Extrememath Important?

Extrememath is important because it helps students develop critical thinking skills. It encourages them to think creatively and come up with unique solutions to complex problems. It also helps students improve their time management skills, as they have to solve the problems quickly and efficiently. Moreover, it is a platform for students to showcase their math skills and compete with other students from different parts of the world.

Participating in an extrememath competition can also help students in their future careers. Math is an essential skill in many fields, including science, engineering, and technology. By participating in extrememath, students can improve their math skills and increase their chances of success in these fields.


What is the eligibility criteria for participating in an extrememath competition?

Extrememath is open to students of all ages, from elementary to high school. There are no specific eligibility criteria for participating in the competition.

How can I prepare for an extrememath competition?

The best way to prepare for an extrememath competition is to practice math problems regularly. You can also participate in practice competitions to get a feel for the format and difficulty level of the competition. Additionally, you can take online courses or hire a tutor to help you improve your math skills.


In conclusion, extrememath is a challenging and exciting math competition that is perfect for students who love math. It helps students develop critical thinking skills, improve their time management skills, and showcase their math skills. By participating in an extrememath competition, students can prepare themselves for future careers in science, engineering, and technology. So, if you have a passion for math and want to challenge yourself, try participating in an extrememath competition today!